What is the departure dates for private charters?

Especially during high season(June, July, August), all private cruises are schudeled from/to Saturday as As an exceptional, departures can be arranged on different days depending on the availability of the boats and the flexibility of the cruisers.

You may want to move according to the starting day of your gulet yacht holiday while creating your holiday plan. Your stay may change before and after your holiday. This is entirely the flexibility of you and your group. Here, it is important to consider that the departure date of the gulet yachts is Saturday.

It takes 1 week for the gulets to complete their blue cruise program on an ideal route. This period can be extended to two weeks by combining two different routes. Boats are anchored in at least two bays with 2-4 hours per day cruising along the tour route. Daily journey time may increase on one-way routes. Chartering the gulet for 1 week is a general situation, a rental standard that is tried to be applied during high season mostly. Less than one week charters that can planned by starting or ending on Saturday are possible and are mostly applied during the low season period. For high season short-term rentals, a weekly rental fee may be charged.

There are also gulets in the market that are not flexible as Saturday’s fixed departure day. You can contact your charter broker to find out which gulets are.

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